Field Files — Murphy Brown
Patricia Field

Murphy Brown Style Guide Episode 5
Written by Ashtyn Tardif There's a leak on Murphy in the Morning and fingers are being pointed in all directions. Was it *gasp* Murphy's own son, Avery? Or a mysterious new conservative lady *bigger gasp* in Frank's life? This past episode had everyone scrambling for answers as to who stole their big story, (complete with receipts okkuurrr) about a major pharmaceutical company that was deliberately flooding the market with a highly addictive synthetic opioid. With a drama packed episode like this, it's only right that the outfits brought the same level of intensity right? Our leading ladies Murphy and Corky...
Patricia Field

Murphy Brown Style Guide: Episode 4
Written by Ashtyn Tardif Happy Murphy Monday! On the latest episode of Murphy Brown, Murphy and her team struggle with the decision of interviewing a headline-grabbing former White House senior advisor, who is trying to promote his controversial and highly divisive new book. While Miles feels pressure from network execs to land the senior advisor on the show, Murphy feels pressure from her personal work ethic, stating "it's her job to report the news, not be the news." Meanwhile, Pat hooks Frank up with a innovative new dating app that goes hilariously awry and Avery gets a table flipped on him...
Patricia Field

Murphy Brown Style Guide: Episode 3
Written by Ashtyn Tardif What better way to open an episode titled #MurphyToo than with a mandatory sexual harassment seminar that Murphy sardonically mocks? Fashion aside, this episode dove into the #MeToo movement in a way that was serious, yet "feel good" as Murphy confronts an old college mentor who sexually assaulted her years ago and gets redemption in an unconventional twist. The issue of sexual assault and misconduct is infused throughout the episode in a way that draws important notice to the topic without being overly graphic or political. Between Corky's quips about her experiences with unwanted advances in her 20's...
Patricia Field

Murphy Brown Pilot: The Official Style Guide
By: Ashtyn Tardif Guess who's baaaack? Last week on CBS, Candice Bergen, Faith Ford, Joe Regalbuto and Grant Shaud reprised their roles on the big screen as the infamous 'Murphy Brown' crew, and guess who dressed them? That's right, Pat Field. Fun fact- Pat actually never watched the original Murphy Brown series, so her style approach to this revival was classic, yet fresh, and of course sprinkled with her signature style twists. Lucky for all of you, the Field Files decided to share all of the fashion behind the new Murphy Brown revival, so you too can snag Murphy's colorful...

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